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A Student's Guide to Budgeting Apps

Budgeting is important to get an early start on. Especially in college, if not before then, it’s the perfect time to get started as you get out there on your own and begin making larger financial decisions.

Budgeting can:

  • Help you save money
  • Determine goals and priorities
  • Reduce financial stress
  • Prepare for unexpected emergencies
  • Identify “wants” vs. “needs” and incorporate them into monthly expenses

Finance apps are a great tool to consider downloading on your smartphone to get on the right track to starting and maintaining a budget. There are many apps out there that make it easy to handle anything from general expense tracking to investments.

Here are 5 free apps to consider using to get started:



Level Money





Our Money Manager is also a great ad-free and easy-to-use tool to help you with your budget and financial outlook!