Feeling the Credit Card Blues? Transfer High Rate Balances and Save
Pay down your holiday debt faster with one of our lower rate, no annual fee credit cards.

Choose from our lowest rate card, or our CU rewards, or Cash Back card options. All three DECU credit card options offer 0% APR* on all transactions for the first 18 months and are backed with zero-fraud liability and online account access.
*Annual percentage rate. 0% APR valid for new credit card accounts only for all transactions for the first eighteen months. The introductory rate is not valid on existing Dominion Energy CU balances. After the introductory period, the rate will return to the variable rate for which you qualify, currently 13.15% - 23.15% APR as of December 3, 2023. View current rates at DominionEnergyCU.org and credit card agreement and disclosure for details. Balance transfer fee is 2% or $10, whichever is greater (excludes existing DECU cards converting to another DECU card). Cash advances, credit card checks, and balance transfers are excluded from earning rewards.
Start Preparing for Next Year Today
Now is the perfect time to open a Holiday Club and start saving for next year, instead of racking up credit card debt. You choose how much to deposit each month and in November, we’ll deposit the money
to your DECU checking or savings account!
Benefits include:
- Automatic deposits make saving easy
- Increase your contributions at any time
- Club accounts automatically renew

College Scholarship Applications Available
The 2024 Scholarship Application will be available online mid-January. Dominion Energy Credit Union will award multiple $2,000 scholarships for tuition and fees to full-time students enrolled in an accredited college or university for the 2024-2025 academic year.
For more information and to apply, visit DominionEnergyCU.org. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, March 13, 2024 by 4 pm ET. Official transcripts and the online application must be received by that time.